1.3 - A practice of analysis in the tonal harmonic discourse from Bach to Wagner ||
A) FORMULAS - 1. Definition of
a formula ::
2. Presentation of
the little catalogue of harmonic vocabulary ::
3. User's guide to
the little catalogue and various instructions ::
4. Examples
illustrating the little catalogue (motifs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6a, 6b, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, motifs in combination)
B) SEQUENCES - 1. Definition of a
harmonic sequence :: 2. Classifying
sequences :: 3. Melodic
formulations: characteristic motifs :: 4. The tonal
nature of the harmonic sequence :: 5.The tripartite
structure of the harmonic sequence :: 6. A
modulating sequence or not? :: 7. Diversification
of harmonic content :: 8. The harmonic
sequence as a place of subversion :: 9. Conclusion
other factors, both similar and diverse, merit attention with respect
to the harmonic sequence in tonal music from Bach to Wagner. They
all arise from the same attitude that seeks freedom within familiar
and reassuring boundaries. Only when we can situate ourselves within a tonal context can tonal appreciation
can be achieved. And if, at this moment of conclusion, we question the
privileged place of the harmonic sequence as the portion of the
musical discourse likely to appear most frequently, the answer is
simple. The harmonic sequence is omnipresent from Bach to Wagner. It
infiltrates everything. From preamble to finale to coda. From thematic
elaboration (either part of a theme or even a theme in its
entirety) to transition to development. In small forms and in
large. Composers of tonal music cannot escape it. Neither can the
listener. An undeniable source of delight for both, it seemed to us that it was
worth decoding.

IV - By way of a general conclusion