section devoted to the presentation of the analytical model derives a
large part of its contents from a lecture that was delivered at the annual
conference of the ARMUQ (held May 6-8, 1989) and published in the
eleventh Cahier de l'ARMUQ in September 1989.
The section devoted to harmonic sequences re-uses, with corrections and supplementary examples, the content of an article published in the Revue de musique des universités canadiennes, SMUC (Canadian University Music Society, CUMS), No. 9/1, 1988, p. 19-82.
Bibliographical reference
Goldman , R. F., Harmony in Western Music , New York: Norton, 1965
Luce Beaudet is an associate professor at the Faculty of Music at the
University of Montreal. As director of analysis, aural skills, and improvisation in tonal
accompaniment courses, her research focuses on analysis of the tonal harmonic discourse.
Sylvie-Anne Ménard is a graphic novel artist (under the pseudonym Zviane) and
has (almost) completed a Master's degree in instrumental composition at the
University of Montreal.
For comments or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at:
lucebeaudet (a) gmail.com (change (a) for @)
zviane (a) gmail.com (change (a) for @)

The contents of The eye that hears, the ear that sees by Luce Beaudet (except audio samples) is made available according to the terms of the Creative Commons license Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Canada.
Permission beyond the scope of this license may be obtained by writing to
lucebeaudet (a) gmail.com (change (a) for @)
Audio samples: all rights reserved © Luce Beaudet
For inquiries regarding use of the content for educational purposes, please contact the author at
lucebeaudet (a) gmail.com (change (a) for @)